
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Northeast Michigan (CAC-NEMI) was established in Alpena, Michigan in December 2012. Originally created through the generosity of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and a collaborative effort of 25+ area agencies, the Children’s Advocacy Center of Northeast Michigan (CAC-NEMI) now operates under the umbrella of Alcona Citizens for Health, Inc. Our service area includes the counties of Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency and Presque Isle.

Our Mission

The mission of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Northeast Michigan (CAC-NEMI) is to protect children by providing prevention and multi-disciplinary intervention in the investigation, assessment and treatment of child sexual, physical abuse and neglect, in an environment that is child sensitive, supportive, and safe.


Non-Discrimination Policy

 It is the policy of Alcona Citizens for Health, Inc. that it does not discriminate on basis of race, color, sex,         national origin, physical or mental disability, religion, income, gender identity, sexual orientation, or creed. This policy applies to staff, volunteers, patients/clients, guests, and Board Members.

 Alcona Citizens for Health, Inc. provides assistance for those with limited English proficiency.

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Northeast Michigan operates under the umbrella of Alcona Citizens for Health, Inc.